Sunday, December 21, 2014

Trip to the ER, Non RS Related. Who Knew?

Heidi Wrote:

Living in our RS injury bubble, I forgot what a trip for injuries to the ER was like that wasn't from RS issues or RS accident. 

Rushing through the rain to our van resulted in my unfortunate timing of opening the door into Ethan' s head. Wham!
As he grabbed his forehead and tried to convince me he was ok, I knew it was going to require a trip to the ER.
He of course kept all the medical staff on their toes with his wit and humor. Asking for them to be quiet so he could try to fall asleep before the stitching started. Asking for them to evaluate this growth on his face as he was only eight and shouldn't have hair. And of course at the top of his lungs, repeating over and over" MOM DID IT!"
Ethan wanted them to know it was my fault and not his.
I'll take the blame...if only I could take the hurt with it.

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