Monday, September 24, 2012

More allergies

Last week I took Abby for her skin testing to confirm what caused the bad reaction a few weeks back. We know that she was exposed to raw cashews, walnuts and agave. I was suspicious of the tree nuts but the doc wanted to confirm. Thankfully the little chickie is pretty tough when it comes to these things. She knew she was getting skin tested but there was hardly a whisper of dissent about going. 

She got a little ornry when the nurse and doc came in but she wasn't too bad. We talked a little about how things have been going and he confirmed that her last round of blood work was too high for eggs and milk to bother testing for those yet. He ran the tests for four tree nuts and it was obvious she was positive for a couple.

He came back in and let us know that she is severely allergic to cashews and moderately allergic to walnuts (according to the skin tests). He will test for more tree nuts in six months but he doesn't like to test more than 4 for fear of a false positive. As of right now the only tree nuts she can have are hazelnuts and pecans.

She did, however, get an Ariel sticker out of the deal so she could have cared less that she can't have tree nuts. :D Good thing the kid is so resilient!