I finally got her in for the panel of tests the endocrinologist ordered for her "small stature". It was a pain in the neck because we had to get an appointment for 8 o'clock on the nose.

Sister was amazing, laughing through the whole thing. We got the results and everything was NORMAL!
The girls have both started a new track season. Grace is off to an amazing start but my Abby girl is struggling a little more.
I think her small size and balance issues are starting to catch up a little. She has gotten all 4ths, 5ths and 6ths (often out of 4, 5 or 6) but its been tough. She is still pushing herself and keeping a smile on her beautiful face.
We saw a new pediatric dentist for her cavities (by the way, thank you RS for the weak nails, hair and tooth enamel) and dead tooth.
She fell about two years ago and hit a wooden bench with her front tooth. It's been dead even since and they found an abssess above it at her last dental visit. The pediatric dentist was not too happy about any of it. So now sister has to have surgery to remove the tooth, fill the cavities and put pediatric crowns (not the same as grown up crowns, I assure you... hours of research... but I digress) on her tiny teeth filled with mega cavities. I didn't anticipate needing surgery for this one but welcome to our life. Thank God she remains a rock start about the whole damn thing. The dentist says surgery and she smiles and says "It's okay, I'm used to it".
And lastly... we are getting a dog. More to come on that!
I also wanted to share again how grateful I am for this blog. I have met two new RS families in just the past few weeks. The fact that a simple blog can give information to families who need it reminds me that we RS families are not alone!
Posted by Kristen Fescoe
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