Yesterday I received a packet in the mail notifying us that Abby has been recommended for the extended year program (summer school). It outlined that any child who is at significant risk for regressing over the summer gets invited to the program. Obviously we have the option to NOT send her. I guess it could seem like an easy choice either way. On one hand if a program this successful is making the recommendation how can we NOT take it. On the other hand isn't sending a four year old to school in the summer a little nuts?
Obviously it isn't so obvious how to decide. Brian and my immediate response was no way. She's only four and the progress she has made this year has been good but we haven't been blown out of the water. There is also the matter of her being a twin. Grace isn't eligible and how crappy would it be for her to have to get on a bus and get shipped across town every day at 8 o 'clock while Grace stays home alone with me?
But what if we DON'T send her and she does regress? It's very possible.
As of right now it feels like that is a risk we're willing to take. I think a kid needs a summer (in fact I think ever grown ups could use summers off :D). Isn't swimming and playing and running good PT? Isn't meeting kids at the pool good social stimulation? We're going to talk about it at IEP's this week with our case manager (she's terrific) and see if we're in agreement. Decisions, decisions!
I must say that I have parents that would KILL for the packet that you got in the mail. In fact I have 3 IEP meetings just this week to go where the families and I will be fighting for extended year programming in order to keep the continuity, schedule, consistency, therapy, socialization, etc going throughout the summer. I will admit that I am jealous that this was handed to you.
Meghan - Ok, so I have to admit I am a little offended. We feel bad enough turning down the program. We just don't think it is what is best for our family.
ReplyDeleteI guess it just depends on the situation. I wouldn't say it was "handed" to us at all. Abby disability is something we deal with every moment of every day. NOTHING is handed to us. Nothing about her existence is easy. She works so incredibly hard (as do we) to get her as far as she has come. We just happen to be in a unique situation (as parents of twins) that makes our decision different than we would make if she was a singleton.
It stinks that not everyone has the opportunity but I also hate feeling bad that we turned it down. I don't appreciate being put in a position where we feel any worse about having a child with such unique needs.
I will send prays for those other families however as I understand all too well what it feels like to stand in their shoes.
Didn't mean to offend in any way & I apologize if that is how it was interpreted. I know decisions are not easy & I see families struggle to makthe best decisions for their children (& families) every day in my job.
ReplyDeleteAnd I aplogize for using the phrase "handed to you." In no way did I mean that things are easy for abby (or you & brian) all that was meant ws that alot of families have to fight for summer programs or even move districts or to different towns to get access to summer programs & in your case you guys weren't even necessarily 100% interested in it. Again, my apologies. Best of luck to both girls.
ReplyDeleteThanks Meg. I get a little "hot" these days with stuff like that. :D It's tough when you feel like on one hand you fight to "prove" that your child is disabled (so they can get what they deserve) but then the next day you are fighting to prove how "normal" your kid is. It is such a sucky dichotomy.
ReplyDelete(HUGS) Thanks for clarifying. :D